The heart on the right path

The aim of this sub-project, entitled  "The heart on the right path - an interactive animation tool for heart patients" is to develop and test a digital tool that can help to motivate, engage and teach cardiac patients and caregivers about the importance of rehabilitation. It is a fact that patients who have had heart surgery have great trouble remembering following the surgery, and heart patients who were admitted to hospital with heart attack or had other cardiac diagnosis are often in crisis and preoccupied a fear of death. Heart patients therefore have trouble remembering, reading, learning and understanding information about rehabilitation. We have therefore hypothesized that a digital interactive animation tool that can combine audio, text, animated images and the possibility for interactivity between patient and the application can help heart patients and their families to break down learning barriers, anxiety, insecurity and to give patients and their families the opportunity to receive and integrate information in a new way. An interdisciplinary research team, heart patients, relatives, representatives from media, IT, health, psychology and research are participating in the development and testing of a prototype.

The first phase of the project (1 September 2012 – 1 February 2013) was supported by the Shareplay Fund.

Film on development of the “Heart on the Right Path” prototype

"The heart on the right path" at Vimeo (also available at YouTube)

Workshop with professor Greg Niemeyer, Social App Lab, UC Berkeley

Workshop, September 2012, with Professor Greg Niemeyer, Social Apps Lab, University of California-Berkeley, “Heart on the Right Path”, about the development of an interactive tool for telerehabiltation of cardiac patients.